Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy MARC Maps

Creates a new MARC Map, displays the properties of a MARC Map, lets you edit the properties of an existing custom MARC Map, or lets you edit properties of a MARC Map as you copy it. You cannot change the properties of default (SirsiDynix-delivered) MARC Maps, but you can edit the properties of MARC Maps you have created for your library. You can copy default MARC Maps and change the properties and needed for your library.

When viewing the properties of a default MARC Map, the OK button is disabled to ensure that no changes can be saved.

After adding or making changes to any MARC Map, you will need to harvest any search sources that will be using that MARC Map for the changes to show up in the Searching interface.

Search Configuration > MARC Maps > Add MARC Map

Search Configuration > MARC Maps > Edit

Search Configuration > MARC Maps > View

Search Configuration > MARC Maps > Copy


Specifies a unique code for the MARC Map (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the search field on the MARC Maps page and on any other pages that display the MARC Map code.

Codes are displayed in all upper case letters. If you enter lower case alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to upper case when the code is displayed.

Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a code that is already being used elsewhere on the system and try to save the MARC Map, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another MARC Map.


Specifies the system name of the MARC Map (up to 80 characters) for the specified language. This name is used to identify the search field on the MARC Maps page and on any other pages in the Admin console that display the MARC Map name. It is used primarily on the Configure Default MARC Map page in the Default MARC Map drop-down menu (for more information, see Fields: Configure Default MARC Map).

For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages in the Admin console, then enter the localized name in the field.

Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.

If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.

Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.


Specifies a text description of this search field (up to 255 characters).

Note: This field is optional.

MARC 21 Standard Condition

Specifies what conditions must be met Portfolio to extract data from the tag in the MARC 21 Standard Map set (no character limit). If the condition is "false," Portfolio continues to the next MARC Map. If it is true, Portfolio continues to the tag and Subfield Maps within the MARC 21 standard.

UNIMARC Standard Condition

Specifies what conditions must be met Portfolio to extract data from the tag in the UNIMARC Standard Map set (no character map). If the condition is "false," Portfolio continues to the next MARC Map. If it is true, Portfolio continues to the tag and Subfield Maps within the UNIMARC standard.

Exclusive value

Specifies that the value found in the first subfield of the first tag (or the first value found that matches the conditions) will be the only extracted from the tag. When not selected, the values in all of the mapped tags and subfields (or all values that match the conditions) will be extracted.

Related topics 

Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Tag Map

Fields: MARC Subfields

Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Subfield